passione per il lavoro e sulla qualità dei prodotti.
Sapevo che un giorno questi sacrifici ci avrebbero
contraddistinto sui mercati internazionali.”
caparbietà abbiamo creato una rete di collaboratori
capaci con i quali siamo riusciti a portare i nostri
prodotti nei più svariati mercati.”
familiare sia presente quotidianamente assieme al suo
team di collaboratori, una vera famiglia."
“I decided to build my company by basing it on a passion for work and on product quality.
I knew that, one day, these sacrifices would bring satisfaction and our success on the international markets.”Guglielmo Testai
“We have always participated in national and international trade expos. We looked around us and determinedly set about creating a network of strong partners with whose help we have managed to gain entry for our products to a wide range of markets.”
Valerio Testai
“I believe in an independent company, in which family ownership is present every day together with its team of collaborators, a real family.
A company that focuses on the continuous improvement of its products and its know-how, in order to be able to offer to its customers solutions unique and difficult to imitate, while working at the same time to progressively reduce the environmental and social impacts of its operations.”
Francesco TestaiDal 1957 un mestiere di famiglia.